Saturday, June 17, 2006

What to read... what to read...

I have a backlog of books. However, I cannot possibly start on any new fiction books until Joshilyn Jackson's new book Between, Georgia arrives in the mail. I was notified on Thursday that my book has shipped! Woohoo! This is why I pre-order my books, it's not due to hit bookstores until July I think... and here I am, up in Canada, getting the book early!

So I've begun reading The Butterfly Hunter: Adventures of People Who Have Found Their True Calling Off Way Off The Beaten Path.

However, I have many, many other books waiting in the wings... especially thanks to Natalie R Collins who held an AWESOME contest which I won... and lookie-lookie at all my prizes!!!

You should go visit Natalie's blog... she rocks.

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