Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Being a Writing Mother

Is being a writing mother THAT much different than being just a writer? I dunno... how many writers deal with leaking breastmilk during interviews... phone interviews, thank goodness. How many have promised their children all sorts of wonderful rewards if they will Just Be Quiet?

Now that there are two wee gobblers in my life, it seems like I've shifted down and grabbed a lower gear to power through some of the tough times. No longer can I cruise through my days, getting the writing done as it happens.

Nope. The effort now is focused. Centered. Driven.

I make a list every morning. I cross things off and celebrate. I drink more coffee. I take fewer breaks.

My breaks are enforced by my daughter - when she needs to eat, I take a break and nurse her. When she is not sleeping, I'm with her. When she is sleeping, I sit in front of my computer with my butt in the chair and my fingers on the keyboard. The List is at my left elbow.

My prayers now include asking the good Lord to make my interview subjects call me back during nap times.

But there's just no better life. How could I not be a writer or a mother. They're just what I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
