Monday, October 16, 2006

Link of the Day: Publishing Myths

Perusing the blog-o-sphere this morning, I came across a great post at one of my regular reads. Konrath demystifies the publishing industry, something I'm just learning about. It's a great read and I agree with many of his points.

Many writers, whether published or not, seem to believe that their job is simply to write and it's the publisher's job to do "everything else". I disagree. Konrath says it perfectly:
Once you're a writer, you become the CEO of your own business.

This means that I'm also responsible for the areas of my business such as advertising, promotions, marketing, customer satisfaction etc... When my book hits the shelves I will promote it, I will pay for ads if I need to, I will promote it over all other competitors. Because it's not up to the publisher to do everything. If I want my book to do well, then I need to put some elbow grease to work.

The better my book does, the better my company performs, the more my words are worth.


Anonymous said...

WHich is exactly why my writing will always remain a hobby. No freaking way I could do all that.

Congrats eh! :P

Heather Ivester said...

Hi Heather! I followed your link from FCW -- glad you've joined our group! My name is Heather too, which is one reason why I had to come visit -- but also I'm [attempting to be] a writing mom too.

I write book reviews for Canada-based Christian Women Online ezine, and I chat about books and my life as a stay-home mom at Mom 2 Mom Connection.

I look forward to reading about how you juggle writing and momhood -- it's quite a balancing act! :)