Monday, July 24, 2006

Book Suggestions Required

I want to buy a book online ( because I can't find it in the stores in town (and I'm far too preggo to walk around in this HEAT!) but I need to come up with a couple of other books to order so I can qualify for free shipping...

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Either for me... or maybe to help prepare my son (almost 5) for the birth of a new baby...


Anonymous said...

I reccomend the Dr. Sears series for children. They were actually written by a friend of mine, Christie Watts Kelly (somewhere on my blog you can find the story of her) and they are awesome. I give them as gifts. In addition the royalties she would have earned go to her husband and children after her death.

RedWritingHood said...

Thank you Kelly! I have a few of those already on my shelf, I'll have to go check out some others!