Not so.
I am afraid of my thirties. Afraid of not doing all those things that I said I'd do "before I'm thirty". Can I cram them all in in the next two months? Or maybe if I do them by the time I'm 31 I can say I did them "when I was 30".
Goodness I can still remember when I wanted to write a novel by the time I was 20!
So I bring you 20 things I loved about my twenties:
- Having children when my body still (sorta) bounced back.
- Reconnecting with the love of my life (read: stalking him back down and roping him for good)
- Finding two wonderful careers that I loved and figuring out a way to combine them.
- Learning that it's not all about my opinion.
- Learning that it's not all about your opinion either.
- Turning a hobby into a career and finding some great hobbies to replace it.
- Learning how to manage my own money before I had to manage money with someone. Again.
- Getting over (sorta) the fact that I didn't get to do the whole "college in my twenties" experience and deciding (definitely) that I'm better for it.
- Accepting the fact that there is no correlation between who I am and what size of jeans I wear.
- Learning that I am responsible enough for children... but not responsible enough for a dog.
- Learning what it truly means to support someone else's dreams when they need you to.
- Learning how to ask for help.
- Discovered my faith again.
- Forgave myself for the mistakes I made as a teenager.
- Found a husband who has done his own laundry for his entire adult life.
- Figured out how to accept my friends for who they are and learning how to let the ones go that didn't accept me for who I was.
- Learned that people will always show you who they are, if you listen and observe.
- Learned how to trust my gut instinct.
- Gained control of my temper.
- Learned how to let go.
Actually, writing out that list has helped me a little... I'm more at peace with watching my twenties go bye-bye when I realize that they have brought me so much and prepared me for my thirties.
when is your birthday? the 30s aren't so bad, i think 40 will be bizarre.
Turning 30 was angst filled for me. Now I love them. You really come into yourself.
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